Power grid monitoring of industrial objects
The Advangrid product line is used to measure all electrical values of individual electrical devices and/or the total electrical consumption within your organization. The products can be used to measure machines such as air conditioning systems or server rooms, and to measure the quality and quantity of power that you deliver back to the grid. Also, Advangrid can be used when you need to measure all electrical values of all the electrical devices within a factory, to the nearest kilowatt, for your ISO 50001.
Fuel and electricity consumption of industrial mobile objects
Where Advangrid maps electrical consumption in the industrial sector, Connect Pro products provide highly accurate measurement and comprehensive reporting of the consumption of your electric or fuel driven vehicles and machines.
Fuel registration and theft protection
By linking specifically developed Fuelsticks (Fuelconnect system) you can more accurately measure the fuel level in a stationary or mobile fuel tank. Also, this makes it possible to activate a physical alarm and various notifications in case of theft, even when it only concerns a few liters of fuel.
Secure Service & emergency center
In collaboration with the certified PAC emergency center ‘Alarm Meldnet’, Regent Mobile offers various Secure Service licenses for following up service and theft reports of your machines, vehicles and devices.
Investigative services within Europe
To trace stolen machines and vehicles outside the Benelux, Regent Mobile works with international detective agency Fidron.
OEM – Industry
Regent Mobile also offers various products as subsystems for third-party products. By integrating these products and offering specific APIs, Regent Mobile works to integrate its hardware and software solutions into the entire chain in your sector.